Our purpose: Invest in a positive society and healthy environment


, ESG Portfolio Management

Christoph Klein

Founder & Managing Partner

  • 2018: Foundation of ESG Portfolio Management
  • Partner and Portfolio Manager nordIX AG, 2017-2018
  • Head Non-Financial Credit, Head ESG Credit, Senior
    Multi Asset Manager at Deutsche Asset Management,
  • Credit Hedge Fonds Manager at Credaris and Tripoint,
  • Credit Portfolio Manager at Deutsche Bank and
    Deutsche Asset Management, 1998-2004
  • Visiting Scholar New York University, 2000
  • Graduate in Business Administration, University of
    Trier, 1999
  • Bank clerk at Deutsche Bank Bremen, 1991-1993
  • Member of the UN PRI Fixed Income Working Group
  • Speaker at DVFA and Moody‘s Analytics
  • Member of the DVFA Sustainable Investing
  • Volunteer at CFA Institute

, ESG Portfolio Management

Frank Rothauge
Equity expert

  • More than 20 years of professional equity experience
  • Advised as equity analyst many fund managers regarding equity selection
  • Head of the technology sector research team at Sal. Oppenheim
  • Multiple winner as Germany‘s best telecom analyst
  • Contributed to more than 40 capital market transactions
  • Head of the audit committee at the supervisory board of the TecDax-company Drillisch AG, until October 2017
  • Advisor of the fund Universal – AHP Aristoteles UI
  • Managing Partner of AHP Capital Management
, ESG Portfolio Management

Dr. Linn Karstadt

Corporate Strategy &
Business Development

  • Experienced equity trading & growth strategist for international investment banks such as Citi, Jefferies, Knight and Bank of New York, including as Head of Continental European Equity Sales
  • Buy side experience in corporate development as Head of Trading and member of the Advisory Board at Davigo Invest in Hamburg (since 2018)
  • Media strategist as author, former TV Presenter & Producer Financial News at Bloomberg Television, London
  • Doctor of Business Administration in Finance Technology, Walden University, MI, USA
, ESG Portfolio Management

Max Vollmann

Working Student

  • Joined ESG Portfolio Management in October 2023
  • B.Sc. International Business with a major in Entrepreneurship at the Maastricht University in the Netherlands, 2021 – 2024
  • Semester abroad at the International Christian University in Tokyo, 2024
  • Apprenticeship and work experience in the energy sector
  • Academic tutor for math and statistics
Publications Christoph Klein

DVFA Working Group Sustainability Disclosures, Christoph Klein and Dr. Rupini Rajagopalan
Impact Measurement – An update on data providers and their methodologies
February 2024

Christoph Klein contributed to these standards:

An EU taxonomy alignment case study


SDG Impact Measurement – A Brief Overview of Providers, Methodologies, Data and Output

“Quantitative Credit Rating Models including ESG factors”, Research Report No. 01/2019 ISSN 1864-0125 Stuttgart, September 2019, University of Stuttgart Faculty of Business and Social Science Institute of Business Administration Department III (Corporate Finance),

"Steinhoff (Continued)“ in: Shifting Perceptions ESG, Credit Risks and Ratings, Part 2: Exploring the Disconnects, www.unpri.org, 2018

Integrating ESG into the Fixed-Income Portfolio” in: CFA Institute Conference Proceedings, Fourth Quarter 2015, Volume 32 Issue 4

„Einsatz von Kreditderivaten im aktiven Portfoliomanagement“ in: Kreditderivate Handbuch für die Bank- und Anlagepraxis, 3. Auflage, Burghof, H.-P., et al., Stuttgart 2015

“Institutionelle Investoren - Motive und Bedeutung” in: Nachhaltige Geldanlagen, M. Faust, S. Scholz, S., Frankfurt 2014

“Reduzierung der Marktvolatilität durch Bondkommunikation”, in Praxishandbuch Debt Relations, Hasler, P. T., et al., Wiesbaden 2013

“Erweiterung der Kreditanalyse um ESG Faktoren” in: Credit Analyst, Everling, O. et al., München 2012

„Analysis and Evaluation of Corporate Bonds” in: The Handbook of Finance, F. J. Fabozzi, Wiley & Sons, Hoboken 2008, volume 2

“Eight Relative Value Opportunities” und “Risk Management for Multistrategy Funds” in: Credit Derivatives Strategies, R. Douglas, Bloomberg Press, New York, 2007

„Analysis and Evaluation of Corporate Bonds” in The Handbook of European Fixed Income Securities, F. J. Fabozzi, M. Choudry, Wiley & Sons, Hoboken 2004